instead of baking, i decided to make a lasagna.
it was my 1st time really. this amateur cook took almost 1 1/2 hours just to cook the lasagna noodles. it took such a long time because i decided to boil the noodles one by one so that they wont stick to each other. made the meat sauce, grated the cheese, layered everything in the pan and an hour later voilà! its ready to go into the oven. or so i thought. this amateur cook, again i emphasize AMATEUR totally forgot that she needed aluminium foil to cover the lasagna. i called my mom asking her an alternative to this problem but she couldn't come up with anything. so i changed my clothes and ran downstairs to the mini market to find the aluminium foil. truthfully, i didn't put much hope in finding it there as the mini market only caters a small range of cooking supplies. to my delight and surprise, they do sell aluminium foils and there was 1 left. i bought it without even looking at the price. ran upstairs and put my lasagna into the oven.
it tasted okay to me. couldn't layer it much though as i didn't have the proper pan for it. i used my 2" cookie-baking pan.
done washing the dishes and cleaning up, i walked around the house looking for something to do as i had a nagging feeling that something was not right. when i'm anxious, i clean or do anything that keep me busy. then i decided to go mixer hunting and then hang out in cyber/sk after that. i got ready and walked outside to my car and then..jeng jeng jeng car was not there!
my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach. i calmed myself and dialled my sister. a zillion attempts later and she still didnt answer. i scrolled my phone book looking for somebody else to call. when i saw apis's name, i immediately called him. i told him what happened he told me what to do. i was afraid that my car might have been stolen but he assured me that it wasn't a very calm voice. with shaky fingers i went online and surfed through the dbkl website for information. i called the dbkl tow depoh and this pakcik answered. i told him my situation and asked him to check whether my car was at the depoh or not. i repeated my plate number at least 3 times before he got it right. he yelled my plate number to his co-worker and the-very-not-funny co-worker told him that the car with the plate number just mentioned was not there. i almost stopped breathing. i took a deep breath and very nicely asked the pakcik to check again. then i heard the idiot co-worker yell 'oh ada ada ada'. so not funny kan these dbkl people. the pakcik who answered the phone told me to collect my car at the depoh that very night as they would charge more if i collected my car the next day. he tried to give me directions as to where the depoh was but the directions or landmarks mentioned didn't ring any bells until he said Hospital Tawakal. i thanked him and politely asked if he would wait if i were to arrive a little late.
next step, tried to figure out how the hell to get there. cab would be the most transparent choice but i didn't want to go all alone so i called up ajim. thank God he was in lowyat plaza with jai. they were shopping for some camera stuff. problem was, ajim didnt know how to get to my house. so i took a cab to bukit bintang. i was so shocked and nervous about the whole thing that i chatted with the cab driver the whole way there. i usually get annoyed with chatty cab drivers but that wasn't the case that night. met up with the both of them in sg wang and then headed to the depoh. i have super bad sense of direction so thankfully jai knew exactly how to get to Hospital Tawakal. the traffic was pretty bad that night especially around the pudu area so i called the depoh again informing them that i was on my way. arrived at the depoh, filled up some forms, paid 155 bucks and johnny was in my possession again. they needed some identification that i was in fact the owner of the car so i pulled out the road tax/insurance watever from my car and showed it to them. it was a long long tiring day. went straight home and parked at my housemates parking spot.150 bucks gone just like that.
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