Jun 22, 2009

1 month

its been a month since my last post. lost mojo

  • im slowly drifting back into my run-and-hide stage.
  • i was supposed go on an island vacation but i ended up going back home to my lovely hometown penang, i know i know, its an island but a vacation to your hometown doesnt count as a real vacation. it was ok i guess. its been ages since i last went to the beach. it was a short trip but i went back to kl with a tan line which is still visible today. so very not cool okay.
  • after my so-called vacation,i went back to penang again the following week to accompany mommy as daddy went back to kelantan for his niece's wedding.had a huge fight with my sister before we went back. i was accused of a lot of unpleasant things.
  • i missed my childhood friend's wedding.
  • got shot down. please dont ask for details.
  • i moved in a new house. i finally got my stuff back from a certain someone. ive been dreading this for a while but i finally managed to do it. it may not sound like a hard thing to do but it was difficult for me, emotionally that is. since i went with my sister, i had to control my face from showing any signs of sadness. after all that, i went to watch terminator salvation in one utama with afif and friends. the movie sucked big time. well, to me at least. i was planning on using the deposit money returned by my previous house owner to spoil myself a little bit buuutttt, i used the money to pay my phone bill and rent. im still planning to spoil myself tho. just thinking of a way to do it cheaper.
  • his birthday. i did a status for him since i was too emotional to call them. a lot of people were curious but what the hell. i couldnt care less. it was for him.
  • i went rock climbing again last week. i managed to find damai wall in batu caves on my own. i deserve a pat on the back for this. seriously. i get lost so often that when i arrived there without a single phone call asking for directions, people were shocked. anyway, the moment i arrived, my eyes were feasting on the sight of hot half naked bodies. it was like disneyland for me. thank God for shades. tho i enjoyed the view, i didnt want the owners of the hot bodies to know that i was looking at them. :P
  • when the people u least expected to care about u show u that they do, its a strangely wonderful feeling. i know that i portray myself as an independent person but i do want to be taken care of at times. it carved a smile on my face when a person i just got to know showed me that he cared, that he would be worried if i walked alone at night and that he would be there if i needed him, without expecting anything in return. no, hes not trying to woo me. thank you dear friend. no matter how many nicknames i have for u due to your extracurricular activities, im grateful to have u as my friend.
  • my neck and back and everything feels so stiff, i think i need a massage.

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